On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 07:35:07PM -0400, Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:
Check out LiquidWeb, www.liquidweb.com.
Sorry to intervene in your discussion, but I wouldn't trust a company with such a flashy, unprofessional website!
That really isn't true for hosting companies. The worst companies around have very "professional" websites.
In any case, my previous recomendation stands: go to webhostingtalk.com and look around. If not satisfied with what you find, ask for reviews.
You might even *try* (30 days money back, and they do it!) a shared virtual one, you might be impressed. Mine is very usually responsive, GNAX.net has a good connectivity with America, and they fix any inconvenience *very* quickly.
GNax recently moved to Atlanta NAP, which is where another hosting company Wiresix is also located. Wiresix is the company I have been using for the last year, and I didn't have a single issue with them. Quite on the contrary, at least 2 of my servers came with extra features for no extra charge.
Not to mention the fact that Ryan will do everything possible to keep customers 100% satisfied.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)