What part of the '--exclude=[PATTERN]' part of the man page is giving you trouble? Is something not matching correctly, overmatching too much or...?
I don't understand how to write it. I have rsync 2.5.7
These don't work: rsync -av --delete '--exclude=[cache]' -e ssh rsync -av --delete '--exclude=cache' -e ssh rsync -av --delete --exclude='cache' -e ssh In fact nothing with the = sign works.
Could you please give an example of the code in you want to remove these folders listed as: root cache download
shop cache download
Also, even with the --delete option in there the front page extension folders like _private, etc. will not be deleted and these folders are not on the site on the sending server. As I understand it --delete is suppose to delete the files on the receiving server if the same files are not on the sending server but it does not for the front page extension folders.
Thank you!
Sincerely, Melinda Odom Design Hosting, Inc. www.designhosting.biz 479-471-0891 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.4/402 - Release Date: 7/27/2006