On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 05:13:37PM -0800, James A. Peltier alleged:
gjgowey@tmo.blackberry.net wrote:
How about using ssh with certificate authenitication instead of sudo?
That's great for SSH, I already do that, but if I ssh to a system and then type sudo it prompts me for a password. I want something like this
ssh_and_sudo_on_all_hosts this script prompts for passwords and provides passwords to all ssh or sudo sessions
ssh => some_host uses keys/certificates whatever so no password
sudo do_some_command (prompts for password) password entered at start of ssh_and_sudo_on_all_hosts is passed to sudo and sudo runs.
The solution is password-less authentication. Kerberos, ssh keys, sudo, etc. But you don't seem to want to do those things.
So do exactly as you've already mentioned, use expect, prompt for a password, and feed the passord to remote shells as required.