To start gnome on :1 -
- Hit ctrl-alt-F2 to get to virtual console 2
- Run xinit /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1
- Use ctrl-alt-F7 to get to :0 and ctrl-alt-F8 to get to :1 , etc
To start kde on :1 : 1 . Hit ctrl-alt-F2 to get to virtual console 2 2. Run xinit /usr/bin/startkde -- :1 3. Use ctrl-alt-F7 to get to :0 and ctrl-alt-F8 to get to :1 , etc
This work just great! as far as this thread is concern, it was solve. I think I do the right thing by choosing CentOS as my new platform for Windows replacement :)
Is there any trick or tip if I want to start gnome or kde automagicaly when I switch to virtual console?
Thanks In Advances, Regards, ijez