On Wednesday 19 May 2010 15:46:57 Anthony Caetano wrote:
> Hi
> We use CentOS and RHEL, the 5.5 RHEL ISO for x86_64 is 3.7GB (**), the
> CentOS one is 4602MB (***) split over two DVDs. Is this reasonable and
> correct? Any ideas why would there be such a discrepancy if they are
> built from the same (or very similar) source?
> Regards
> Anthony Caetano
> ** the md5sum checks out, and RHN lists the size as 3,532 MB
> *** CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso + CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-2of2.iso
> (according to ftp.heanet.ie:/pub/centos/5.5/isos/x86_64 )
> _______________________________________________