On Tuesday 30 January 2007, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Installing Freemind. It needs Java JRE. So after lots of pain, and reading past messages, I got jre-1_5_0_09-linux-i586.rpm from sun and installed it. Then I tried to follow Jim Perrin's recommendation to install from jpackage.org the java-1.5.0-sum-compat.rpm. Thing is it is complaining about no JDK (not JRE!)
yum install java-1.5.0-sun-compat (have jpackage.org repo in yum.repo.d)
.... <snip> .....
OK. What is broken here?
java-1.5.0-sun-compat works ONLY with the jdk, not the jre
i sugest to u to install the jdk, the jre is a subset of the full jdk, if your app need jre, then can work with the jdk too.
-- Black Hand Amiga Addicts