On Jan 25, 2008 11:56 AM, William Warren
hescominsoon@emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com wrote:
https install is painfully slow(as i only have a 3 megabit connection) but it at least tries to install..after fighting timeouts and other connectivity issues.
32 bi installs fine..64 bit refuses to install saying i don't have the cd in the drive(irregardless if i am using cd's or dvd's.)
the https install has died 4 times now saying it's timing out..unfortunately the other 5 machines here are not having any issues.
I need a machine working pretty quick..if this is not solved soon i'll send this back and build one myself.
This may have been covered already but, if I remember correctly I had to pass 3 power management options to the 64bit DVD to install it correctly. When booting the DVD/CD I passed w/o quotes "noacpi noapic apm=off" This, for me, disables most if not all of the power management features that _sometimes_ cause irq conflicts in both 32 and 64 bit versions.