On 4/13/2010 1:38 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 4/13/2010 2:29 PM, Seth Bardash wrote:
Just finished building a new server for inhouse use. 12.8TB
Needed a nfs and samba server which could store 10TB and be reliable. Also wanted to replace out DHCP server and our internal DNS server. So needed to run dnsmasq plus ntp for time serving.
This machine replace 3 older units.
I'm not sure I'd put those on the same box - at least not for most scenarios. If the machine ever goes down and needs an fsck before coming up, your DNS and DHCP services are going to be down for a long time while it completes, killing the rest of your network. too.
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Point Taken and correct!! I always have 2 DNS / DHCP / NTP servers up. One running, one just a service xxx start away. Since we need an inhouse use web server for testing before we go live we use that machine as the standby.
Seth Bardash
Integrated Solutions and Systems LLC seth@integratedsolutions.org Failure cannot survive knowledge and perseverance!