On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Eric B. ebenze@hotmail.com wrote:
I've got CentOS 5.3 installed as a Xen client installed. I've recently been trying to install TrueCrypt on the VM, but am having miserable troubles with the Fuse kernel module.
To date, I've installed the following packages: yum install truecrypt yum install fuse
Do you have any particular reason why you cannot update to the current 5.5? 5.3 is so ancient and has many known security bugs. CentOS 5.4 and later would have kernel support for fuse.
If you must stay with 5.3 for some reason, then install kmod-fuse from ElRepo ( http://elrepo.org ).
If you still want to use dkms, then you would need to install kernel-devel (not kernel-headers).
Hope this helps,