- This mailing list is here for folks around the world to share knowledge
about CentOS and Linux. This is not a paid tech support organization - if you want that, buy a RedHat subscription.
- We are not here to do your job for you. If you think we should, perhaps
you should pay us. Before asking us, have you: a) read the documentation (RTFM)? b) checked the CentOS wiki for howtos and FAQs? i) http://centos.org, and click on "information" ii) http://wiki.centos.org/ c) googled for documents on the Web?
- Many of your problems have been discussed and solved. Feel free to ask
for a link to the solution, or the discussion.
I prospose rephrasing the above FAQ entries in a more neutral tone:
1) What are my Centos support options?
Generally speaking, you have three options:
1) The centos-users mailing list. Developers, systems administrators and end-users all contribute on the mailing list on a best effort basis. Questions are answered as people's time and experience allow. This is a volunteer effort and there are no gaurutees anything will be answered or answered in a give time frame, though we do our best and historically are quite good.
It is strongly recommended you search the archives first, as you can get an answer much faster and we can focus our time on new issues and projects.
2) The Centos IRC channel. The channel can be found on irc.freenode.net, channel #centos
Same ground rules as the mailing list.
3) Commercial support. There are number of commercial support providers. They are best found by a search on your favorite search engine. Alternatively switching over to Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and purchasing a support contract is a good option.
If you require answers or support at a moment's notice, this is your best option.
Insert links to mailing lists and other resources approprate....
Just my two cents.