Cletus Murphy wrote:
Don't use ext2 or ext3 as your fs.
Why not?
- Because it will give you terrible gas.
I see. And all this time, I thought it was the Armagnac....
- I'm not going to open this up for a big FS thread but xfs/reiserfs
performs much better on large partitions then ext2/3 in my humble experience - I also seem to remember that I could not create a partition larger then 4TB with ext3 on my system, though, I suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome so maybe I was doing something wrong.
Performs better for what? For my uses, mostly moving around uncompressed video, I don't seem to have any problems at all with ext3 using either software RAID or 3Ware RAID cards. As a matter of fact, I can state with a high degree of confidence that disk I/O hasn't been one of my bottlenecks to date. I'm mostly waiting on cpu cycles for encoding/rendering. I haven't needed to create a partition greater than 4TB yet. The biggest I've gone so far is a RAID0 software stripe of two 3.2gig hardware RAID0 partitions. These are for "scratch disks" for data that's relatively easy to reproduce so I don't bother with RAID 3/4/5. For data that's vitally important or hard to reproduce, I stash that on a RAID5 array (that gets backed up to a redundant RAID5 array). I suspect vanishingly few numbers of people have occasion to create partitions greater than 4tb. Let's see, that's 10+ 400gig drives. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have petabytes of storage laying around, but the logistics of going over about 3TB per partition for most folks (at least with current hard drive sizes) are a bit out of reach. When this problem comes even remotely close to biting me in the hiney, THEN I'll worry about it. Until then, it's just a strawman.
Best regards,