Johnny Hughes wrote:
This list is a "Members Only" posting list ... this is good because it prevents us from getting hundreds of Viagra commercials and such.
You can only post to the list with the e-mail address that you subscribed with.
If you post from another e-mail address, it will tell you that "Your post needs to be approved by a Moderator."
I just want to tell everyone that I normally _DO_NOT_ approve these posts to the list. It has nothing to do with the post not being good or me not liking you or your post :)
Thanks Johnny,
I used to keep up with one of the Debian lists that was not "Members Only", nor moderated. The SPAM was immense and forced me to unsubscribe from a somewhat informative list.
I really appreciate this decision on CentOS's part. It makes this a much nicer forum to read.