Besides the other pointers given by the rest of the people, ensure also that U have uncommented the "Example" line in the /etc/freshclam.conf file.
In the freshclam.conf file, you'll see:
# Comment or remove the line below. Example
Remove "Example".
I might also suggest that U install clamtk, which is a front-end for Clam.
JC wrote:
Hi all,
I tried:
/usr/bin/freshclam -l /var/log/clamav/clam-update.log
and I got some warnings telling me that my ClamAV installation is OUTDATED - please update immediately!...
then I tried:
yum update clamav, but no clamav package was found.
Does anybody know how to update clamav using yum or any other updater???
Thanks, JC