dip patel wrote:
i had used all the resources as below and when i had all the untar in a directories and then ./configure the netcdf file so it fives x lib developer is missing and some x11 library is also missing etc so please help me...
<snip> Oh. And where did you get the tarballs? Everyone, I think, has been assuming you did a yum install of the packages. Installing from a tarball can, sometimes, be... "interesting", because a) some of them are written and built on someone's system that is NOT standard, or, more frequently, built on some other distro, like current fedora, or worse, ubuntu, and so some libraries required are *MUCH newer than are standard on an enterprise o/s, which doesn't put newer ones in until they're no longer half-baked. <g>
Is there something that the versions from the tarballs provide that the ones from the standard repos (base, epel, rpmfusion) don't provide?