Les Mikesell wrote:
nate wrote:
Last I checked as well the SNMP daemon didn't return cpu i/o wait values, which is pretty handy to have.
It must... I haven't waded through the details of how it does it, but a default OpenNMS install will collect and graph a CPU usage chart that stacks user/nice/wait/system/interrupts and seems accurate except that it is per-cpu (i.e. will go to 400% on a hyperthreaded dual-cpu box).
Strange since the FAQ for snmpd specifically says per-cpu stats are not accurate.
What about multi-processor systems? ----------------------------------
Sorry - the CPU statistics (both original percentages, and the newer raw statistics) both refer to the system as a whole. There is currently no way to access individual statistics for a particular processor (except on Solaris systems - see below).
Note that although the Host Resources table includes a hrProcessorTable, the current implementation suffers from two major flaws. Firstly, it doesn't currently recognise the presence of multiple processors, and simply assumes that all systems have precisely one CPU. Secondly, it doesn't calculate the hrProcessorLoad value correctly, and either returns a dummy value (based on the load average) or nothing at all.
As of net-snmp version 5.1, the Solaris operating system delivers some information about multiple CPU's such as speed and type.
Other than that, to monitor a multi-processor system, you're currently out of luck. We hope to address this in a future release of the agent. But you've got the source, so you can always have a go yourself :-)
I'm not aware of any other tool that reports stats on a per-CPU basis(e.g. sar, vmstat, etc) on a 2.6.x kernel, though per-cpu stats were available in older 2.4.x kernels with SAR at least, though I've always only been interested in cpu usage as a whole rather than per-cpu stats. My main cacti server has 2555 graphs as it is.
I have too many hundreds of hours invested in cacti right now to make the jump to anything else at the moment..but perhaps some day I will jump ship and use something else, or go back to writing my own, which I used to do in order to get higher resolution monitoring several years ago(e.g. 10,30,60 second intervals). My cacti collects about 11 million data points a day today with room on the hardware to probably go to 25 million before needing a 2nd server(dual proc quad core 16GB).