"William A. Mahaffey III" wam@HiWAAY.net wrote:
Knowlege acquired from hard experience doesn't need to be cited, especially when it proves to be correct :-).
<US southern accent=on> Yer not fum 'round hear, r ya? </US southern>
Seriously now, you'll find that there are some regular characters on this list, and a few of the lesser traveled Red Hat lists (i.e., were you find virtually no Red Hat developers), that reguarly beat me for citations and challenge anything I say.
As I always say, some people are free to assume I pull things right out of my rectum. But I'm glad people like yourself can take what I say and apply your own experiences to see if I am correct or not, and base future considerations of what I say on those.
Trust is earned over years. I've been around on a few lists for years though. Not this one, but several others. ;->