On Sunday 24 June 2012 03:06:14 Chris Geldenhuis did opine:
On 06/24/2012 02:47 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
This centos6.2 system seems to have python-2.6.6, but that is turning into a huge problem because I now have a backlog of about 40 packages that will not upgrade because they all need python 2.4.
That, and importing gpg keys doesn't seem to be helping in that regard.
But first, how to go about down grading python to 2.4?
Cheers, Gene
Hi Gene,
Down grading to Python 2.4 will break your CentOS 6.2 system. Rather install python 2.4 side by side with 2.6 and point the packages that need to use 2.4 to it by changing the first line in the scripts to #!/usr/bin/python2.4 instead of #!/usr/bin/python.
I have had to do this the other way around on CentOS nad Red Hat 4 systems where I needed newer features and it work well.
The instructions on how to do this are included in the tarball downloaded from the Python site.
This is not something that is available via yum?
In which case why do I have 30 or 40 packages that are being called security updates, released in the last week, that still need the older python? Something doesn't grok here. Like maybe I have the wrong repos enabled?
Maybe, a yum repolist says rpmfusion is for el5, maybe that is what I need to fix. How?
Cheers, Gene