Rogelio wrote:
On 10/30/07, Jim Perrin wrote:
On 10/30/07, Rogelio wrote:
I'm running, and I notice that on CentOS 5, I had to run the following to get it working (when I didn't have to do the same on CentOS 4)
perl -MCPAN -e shell (answer questions)
install XML::Simple
Why is that?
Because for some insane reason you chose to go about things the hard (and potentially dangerous) way instead of 'yum install perl-XML-Simple' from the base repository.
Actually, I did install it that way, and for whatever reason, it wasn't working, so I googled, and someone suggested doing it that way.
I'm wondering if perhaps this is because there was a package conflict when I enabled the DAG / RPMforge repository? When I did an "rpm -qa | grep perl", all of those packages were enabled. To be sure, I did a "yum install perl-*" and grabbed everything. Still nothing, so I did it manually.
Is this an i386 or x86_64 install of CentOS. If x86_64, it might be a problem with having the wrong package installed and perl looking in lib64 instead of lib for something ... or any number of other potential issues.