On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, Michael A. Peters wrote:
clemens@dwf.com wrote:
This is a new instalation of CentOS 5.2 When I go to FireFox and try to watch a Video clip, some files transfer, and then I get the message "General Error" in the video window.
I ASSUME some additional software needs to be downloaded, but what from where?
When running on that Other OS, a message comes up giving you an opertunity to do the download.
I'm guessing the general error is from a plugin, not Firefox itself. I'm guessing gstreamer backend totem plugin, but I don't really know.
For flash - on 64-bit get the "alpha" 64-bit plugin from Macromedia. It works quite well, and you don't have to worry about nsplugin-wrapper. For 32-bit obviously just use the non alpha 32-bit rpm package from Adobe. They have a yum file that will keep it up to date.
This one is packaged within RPMforge as flash-plugin.