James B. Byrne wrote:
On Mon, August 13, 2012 18:48, Ned Slider wrote:
On 13/08/12 19:50, James B. Byrne wrote:
On Mon, August 13, 2012 10:37, Ned Slider wrote:
Faulty hardware maybe? Try a reboot and see if it reappears. If it's located on a card try reseating the card (although I suspect this is an integrated NIC on the motherboard?).
The chipset is not necessarily the same in the second example (different revision); RTL8111/8168B is not RTL8168d/8111d. They probably do use the same driver but I'd need to see the Vendor:Device ID pairing to know for sure.
Eth1 is an xpci card sold by StarTech. A system with an identical card reports this:
I swapped the suspect card and rebooted the host. After some fussing about with udev I managed to get the new card recognized as eth1 (vice eth2 as udev kept insisting).
Yup. I assume you edited /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, got rid of the lines for the old card, and told it the new one was eth1?
I will do a transfer test later today and see if it stays up. The original failed in the midst of an sftp transfer.
Good luck.