On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 09:16:39AM -0700, Karl Balsmeier wrote:
It was interesting to see it spike up to 1.7. When reading the stickers on the power supply unit, can we safely conclude that the +5V = 0 - 2 is actually saying "this power supply goes between 0 and 2 amps". There are alot of numbers and symbols, but this is the one relevant to our discussion right?
I can't say definitively about the labels on the PSU, but I *can* tell you that only part of your system load is 5V - it also uses 12V. This is (mostly? entirely?) for mechanical stuff, eg drive & fan motors.
Anyone care to explain the +5V and -5V stuff?
I believe +5V means 5v dc negative ground (what we generally work with when we talk about DC).
-5V means positive ground. Positive ground is used on some older cars & motorcycles, and in telco equipment.