Are they logging in locally or via SSH?
If they are logging in via SSH you can probably increase the verbosity of that and SSH usually has some pretty great messages.
I've updated my kickstart configuration files to work with CentOS 6 and am most of the way there integrating a CentOS 6 system into our LDAP/NIS environment. My authconfig line in the kickstart file is as follows:
authconfig --enablemd5 --passalgo=sha512 --enablenis --nisdomain=XXX --useshadow --enablekrb5 --krb5realm=XXX.COM
This is virtually identical to the authconfig line I was using in CentOS 5. My issue is that users cannot log in with their network (NIS) usernames and passwords.
If I log in as root, I can do a "su - username" and get the user's automounted home directory with the correct uid/gid, but if I try to log in as the user, or do a "su - username" as a non-root user and have to enter the password, authentication always fails.
The entries in /var/log/secure just say "su: pam_unix(su-l:auth): authentication failure". I'm not a pam expert and don't know how to debug this. Anyone else run into this and/or know what might be the problem? This works just fine in CentOS 5.
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