On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:13:13PM -0500, Sean Carolan wrote:
The awk output that was piped into to the sed command looks like this:
ajpv12://host1.domain.company.com:8008/root ajpv12://host2.domain.company.com:8008/root ajpv12://host3.domain.company.com:8008/root
awk '/:8008/root/ {printf "%s\t", gensub(/ajpv12://(.*):8008/root/, "\1", 1, $3) } END { printf "\n" }'
if you give an exact example of your input it would be easier but I guess you can crunch the above example to do exactly what you want.
Match other ports and protocols: awk '/:[[:digit]]+/root/ {printf "%s\t", gensub(/\w+://(.*):[[:digit:]]+/root/, "\1", 1, $3) } END { printf "\n" }'
takes input: foo bar URL baz
output: URL\tURL\tURL\n
-- Fridh