On 1/10/23 20:20, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Official drives should be here Friday, so trying to get reading.
On 1/9/23 01:32, Simon Matter wrote:
Continuing this thread, and focusing on RAID1.
I got an HPE Proliant gen10+ that has hardware RAID support. (can turn it off if I want).
What exact model of RAID controller is this? If it's a S100i SR Gen10 then it's not hardware RAID at all.
Yes, I found the information:
HPE Smart Array Gen10 Controllers Data Sheet.
Software RAID
ยท HPE Smart Array S100i SR Gen10 Software RAID
- HPE Smart Array S100i SR Gen10 SW RAID will operate in UEFI mode
only. For legacy support an additional controller will be needed
- The S100i only supports Windows. For Linux users, HPE offers a
solution that uses in-distro open-source software to create a two-disk RAID 1 boot volume. For more information visit: https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/project/lsrrb/ ==================== I have yet to look at this url.
This guide seems to answer MOST of my questions.
I didn't know this guide from HPE. What I'm not sure is how well it is supported now for newer distributions like EL9. I could be wrong but I think EL9 already supports setting this up out of the box without any additional fiddling.
In my case years ago with EL7 I simply put /boot/efi on a partition on disk 0 and another one on disk 1, like so:
/dev/nvme0n1p1 200M 12M 189M 6% /boot/efi /dev/nvme1n1p1 200M 12M 189M 6% /boot/efi.backup
To keep the filesystems in sync I've added a hook to our package update mechanism which simply calls this bash function:
EFISRC="/boot/efi" EFIDEST="${EFISRC}.backup"
efisync() { if [ -d "${EFISRC}/EFI" -a -d "${EFIDEST}/EFI" ]; then rsync --archive --delete --verbose "${EFISRC}/EFI" "${EFIDEST}/" fi }
If I had to install this today I'd like to put it on RAID as discussed.
Regards, Simon