John Logsdon napsal(a):
I need to run a Java-enabled Firefox on my CentOS4.1-powered laptop andit *was* running fine. Then yesterday I up2date'd the box and Firefox went from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6. And I lost Java.
I can't seem to re-install it, whether from the original (1.5.0 I thinkit was) or the latest downloads.
This is crucially important as I need to access my Dell RAC.
Can anyone advise how to get Java back. At the moment, I have had to reboot my laptop into Redmond-ware :-(((
How did you install JAVA ???
- from RPM file form SUN web site ? - from traball from SUN web site ? - Other ??
How did you enable "Java plugin"? - it works out of "box" after java install - you had to link it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
Petr Klíma
e-mail: MADETA Group a.s. phone: +420 389 136 209 Rudolfovská 246/83 web: 370 50 České Budějovice Czech Republic