Tony Molloy wrote:
On Tuesday 30 July 2013 22:58:34 John R Pierce wrote:
On 7/30/2013 2:32 PM, Keith Keller wrote:
15 04 1-7 * 6 /home/app/oracle/backup/
15 04 * * 6 test $(date +"%d") -le 07 && /home/app/oracle/backup/
Run an incremental backup every day of the month except sundays
03 03 1-31 * * test `date +%a` != Sun && /usr/local/bin/backup-rsch- inc
Run a full backup on the first sunday of the month
07 03 1-7 * * test `date +%a` = Sun && /usr/local/bin/backup-rsch- full
I agree with the original poster: why doesn't his work, which says 6 in the location for day of week, which is Sat.? I'd think it meet the criteria "it's somewhere between the 1st and the 7th of the month, and it's a Sat", and that I think should be the same as yours....