dear All,

I'm trying to set Shadow options in Ldap with the help of phpLDAPadmin.

This is what I know :

Shadowmax : maximum nr of days a pw can be valid
* ShadowLastchange : contains the last change of the shadow file
* Shadowwarning : nr of days before expiration to warn user.

What I'm trying to do is have the users 's passwork expire, that works ok.
But how can I have them get a warning message? setting Shadowwarning doesn't seem to be doing it.

Do I have to set Shadowexpire as well for this?

Also, how can I have users change the password at first logon?

I cannot configure the LDAP files themselves, I only have access via phpLDAPadmin.

Thanks for any advise.

greetings, James
Johan Vermeulen
Caw De Kempen

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