On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Bruce Whealton bruce@futurewaveonline.com wrote:
Check out
http://christiank.org/wp/2010/12/pipe-a-gzipped-mysql-dump-over-ssh/ for an example of how you might do this
So, first it gave the usual error that relates to not enough disk space.
That doesn't make much sense. If you are piping the output it shouldn't need local disk space.
Then it made the connection to the other server, asking me to accept a certificate that isn't known... then asking for my password. Finally, it creates a file that is only 805B in size.
You should be able to view that with 'less' (which should automatically uncompress if needed) to see what you got.
So, I was doing the mysqldump on a Centos 5.x server and sending it to my own Linux Centos 6.x box that does have a url that allows ssh across the internet. I suppose it wouldn't create the connection or the dump.sql.gz file if it could not connect to my Centos 6.x box.
Yes, but it does not sound like your mysqldump command generated the right output.
I wish I understood the makeup of how mysql actually saves a database. I mean there is this mysql directory that has an directory for the same database that I am trying to get. However, if I just copy those files, I don't know if that will give me a database or not.
I think it should, given reasonably similar mysql versions, but you should be able to make the mysqldump| gzip| ssh command work.
-- Les Mikesell lesmikesell@gmail.com