Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 08:02:56AM -0500, Leroy Tennison wrote:
This does concern me, another post referred to the heavy-handed way in which systemd has been implemented and I totally agree. "You will conform" - no exceptions. What I fear is that we will lose the ability to control the name, MAC address association at some future point because "no one needs to do that" (speaking from their ivory tower).
To be honest, if you use systemd-networkd (instead of NM or the network init script), you can arbitrarily name your interfaces whatever you
want, in a
much more configuration-management-friendly way.
It's just that systemd-networkd isn't that well-known yet. I'm on the fence about whether I like it or not. It is nice that its really simple
and consistent across distros, but it doesn't yet do stuff like wifi well. Also, most GNOME desktops have a NM applet that gets confused if you're
systemd-networkd. I still feel like systemd-networkd is a lot less convoluted than NetworkManager.
I may need to look into that. I mean, I've disliked NM since I first saw it in 6. I mean, why would I want it to even try wpa-supplicant on a wired network? And perhaps for home users or laptops, but for a server install, I NEVER want avahi running.
mark "Do what I tell you to do, and stop trying to think you know better"