On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Trutwin, Joshua JTRUTWIN@csbsju.edu wrote:
I'm looking to setup a new CentOS box for a buddy of mine who wants to do hosting on a server via CoLo, Years ago I whipped up a CP of my own on a Debian box he colo’d running a basterdized qmail/tinydns and custom built httpd/mysql/etc (I was young). It worked ok but time to move on and I don't have time to maintain all those packages. I also don't have time to write another CP or port my PoS to it. I’m also just going to use the
Joining the discussion somewhat late.
I have not seen OPENLSM mentioned in any of the responses.
It is on my "back burner 2 do list" so I have not had a chance to use it and comment on it.
Take it for a spin and see if it meets your requirements.
-- Arun Khan