Paul Heinlein wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, wrote:
Well, I started the install, got pxeboot to get to the kickstart file, formatted the drive... and then it failed, telling me "unable to read group information from repositories. This is a problem with the generation of your install tree."
A quick google gives me the first hit from a year ago, bug 4372, which says there's a metadata problem. Has anyone else run into this today?
I've PXE booted 64-bit CentOS 6 without any trouble. (I haven't tried the 32-bit installer yet.)
Are you using a local repository? Perhaps the source from which you downloaded/rsynced it was in an unstable state.
Yep. My manager d/l it; I found after I posted that he hadn't done a makerepo. Did that, no joy. Then the other admin here tells me I needed to do it with a file called comps.xml, which the repository that our manager sync'd from didn't have. He got that, I reran the createrepo w/ -g, and still no joy.
Time for me to get out of here, and pick it up in the morning.