Jonathan Vomacka wrote:
On 3/2/2012 3:09 PM, Devin Reade wrote:
Putting an MBR on all disks right after an OS install, as previously mentioned, is of course the best option (although it's too late for that in this instance).
In terms of the installing the MBR after the OS install, is this the responsibility of me, or the datacenter?
Whose *responsibility* it is is between you and your provider and depends on your SLAs, etc. It requires root access to perform.
Also, would I need KVM access to do this or can it be done through SSH? My DC charges a rental for KVM.
You can do it as root via ssh while your server is fully running; it does not need single user mode nor console access. The following is an extract from the changelog of one of my machines that has four disks, each of which has a 200Mb partition 1 (for /boot, mirrored), with the rest of each of the disks (partition 2) put into a four volume RAID6 set (which is used by LVM for the remaining filesystems).
- made sure we have boot blocks on both disks, based on information at modified /boot/grub/ from: (hd1) /dev/sda (hd0) /dev/sdb (hd2) /dev/sdc (hd3) /dev/sdd to: (hd0) /dev/sda (hd0) /dev/sdb (hd0) /dev/sdc (hd0) /dev/sdd and then: # grub grub> device (hd0) /dev/sdb grub> root (hd0,0) grub> setup (hd0) grub> quit then repeated it for sdc and sdd, and finally again for sda just to be paranoid
Keep in mind that those disks already have the OS installed on them; writing the MBR like that doesn't affect the existing filesystems.
I use this kind of configuration in quite a few machines (sometimes with only two disks using mirroring on both partitions of each disk) and have verified that it works both in testing and the hard way ... having lost my nominal boot disk due to errors and recovered by powering down (these aren't hot-swap disks), replacing the bad drive, booting in degraded mode, partitioning the new disk, and then adding its partitions back into the applicable RAID sets. Ignoring the actual sync time, that's less than 20 minutes work, most of which is the disk swap. (Make sure you know which disk is the faulty one before you power down. I always ensure that there are markings on the drive that correlate to identifiers used by Linux before putting drives into production; often the manufacturer's serial number or WWID is sufficient.)
"I'm sorry your having a hard time with software raid on your server and our install process. From what I remember talking with out techs long ago about this is, that when using raid10 and software raid, the bootloader cannot be installed on the software raid partition and has to be on a single drive.
As Robert already observed, that's so much bullshit unless the hardware they're providing is so old (like probably > 5 years) that the BIOS can't be told to boot from alternate disks, in sequence. Even then, it's not insurmountable given they can change the boot device or revert to flipping cables even on the oldest hardware.
Give that manager the instructions above and suggest that he add it to his provisioning procedure.