On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Emmett Culley lst_manage@webengineer.com wrote:
So I removed it all again and reinstalled from RPMforge. Now it all works as expected. I never should have switch from RPMforge to EPEL for these programs.
actually, IMHO, you should have switched. EPEL is much better maintained than RPMforge these days. the catch is, to do that switch cleanly, you woudl have had to completely uninstall the rpmforge version, disable rpmforge, THEN install the epel version
I did that, and still clam failed to filter mail. I do admin that I didn't delete "all" related files before installing from EPEL, ANsd I do also feel that EPEL is the better choice, so I guess I'll do it all over again.
I don't think just installing the package makes it filter mail. If you want to really start from scratch you might try mimedefang to drive all your scanning/filtering, especially if you are running sendmail and can write some perl snippets to control it.