On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:39 AM, sbeam sbeam@onsetcorps.net wrote:
Well I need my plugins to get work done so I installed the binary from mozilla.org in /opt/ and symlinked to that, seems to be better so far. This is what I used to do to get the latest version anyway, so if it works will just stay this way. If not I'll get on bugzilla and pursue that.
Now that's interesting.
I've been having the same problem with Seamonkey (the integrated Mozilla suite), and I have less trouble in general when I build my own and install it in /opt. (The AR and SWF plugins don't work there, for some reason, but all the others do.) It never occurred to me that the installation location would be involved - I'll have to try that and see how it works.