Fernando Cassia wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:48 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Just one last question: if you think this highly of OUL, why are you here? Why haven't you gone to their lists?
I want to run both, and don't see the point of having any grudges against any particular distro. But hey, that's me.
Oh, as I read this, I was thinking, and realized I *do* have something against OUL specifically: of commercial providers of Linux, Novell's SuSE is their own distro. RHEL is their own distro. Oracle takes RHEL and customizes it, rather than building it from the F/OSS components, the way SuSE and RH do, and sells it as their distro. *That's* what frosts me.