Am Mi, den 15.03.2006 schrieb Chin um 2:23:
Hi all,
Am I right to say that I have to install hylafax-4.2.5-1fc3.x86_64.rpm rather than hylafax-4.2.5-1rhel4.i386.rpm because the rpm command failed if tried to install the RHEL version. I am running an updated CentOS 4.2 x86_64. Thank you.
Regards, Chin
Generally you can run i386 software on x86_64 arch of CentOS. If you opt for the x86_64 only alternate, then I wouldn't choose the FC3 RPM of HylaFax as FC3 isn't identical with RHEL4, just a base for it's development. I would take the SRC.RPM
and "rpmbuild --rebuild --target x86_64 hylafax-4.2.5-1rhel4.src.rpm" it.