On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 11:28:01AM +0900, Dave Gutteridge enlightened us:
My desktop environment has become a little chaotic, and, long story short, I would like to uninstall KDE and Gnome, and then reinstall Gnome. (I want to remove KDE for the time being because I just don't think I want it taking up space on my hard drive).
The thing is, I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. For instance, I want to make sure I don't lose settings in X, like my xorg.conf file. I just want to reset my Gnome interface back to how it was when I first installed it.
I'm thinking the steps I need to take are roughtly these, but it would be great if someone could verify that these will be a non-destructive way of getting Gnome back to it's original state:
- Stop X (By running telinit 3 at a command prompt?)
Probably not necessary, but can't hurt.
- Use YUM to remove Gnome and KDE (#yum remove gnome kde?)
yum groupremove "KDE (K Desktop Environment" "Gnome Desktop Environment"
- Use YUM to install Gnome (#yum install gnome?)
yum groupinstall "Gnome Desktop Environment"
- restart X (#telinit 5?)
Could someone clarify if I have the commands right, and if this process is safe to undertake?
Yes, it should be fine, but as mentioned in the other reply, you'll need to (re)move the config files in your home directory as well.