On 25/01/2013 15:00, Toralf Lund wrote:
Does anyone know of a way to add a "new mail" notification icon to the panel/system tray under CentOS 6? On CentOS 5, I used the "mail-notification" software package provided by the Fedora "EPEL" distribution, but this is gone from the version 6 repository, and the one from version 5 won't install just like that due to dependency issues. Maybe it's possible to resolve those, but I'm wondering if that's the way to go, or if there is a better alternative these days.
In the old days we used biff... then xbiff came along... new fangled things!
Something like: http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~cmsps/freeScripts/xbiff.py
Don't some MUAs come with small panel applets for this?
It isn't so common to receive email locally anymore, most people are using remote mail servers.