-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Mailing Lists Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:38 PM To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 Beta on a MacBook Pro
Good question. Here is what I have done so far:
I ran the beta installer on a 1.83 GHz Core Duo model. The system booted and the installer ran. I did an install with "linux askmethod" from an NFS share with the CentOS 5 isos. I did a default workstation install. The installer ran flawlessly. The graphics displayed correctly and the trackpad worked perfectly. The installer ran. When I rebooted after the install, the system said "Missing operating system" and stopped. I was able to boot disc 1 in rescue mode and mount the new installation in mnt.
I suspect there is some problem with the boot partition. I am trying to install 4.4 now, just for fun. During the install, the installer complained that the drive had a "gbt" partition and would have to be reformatted for CentOS to be installed. I take this as a good sign. If the 4.4 install works, I'll try the 5.0 beta again.
I will report back.
Doesn't the latest version of boot-camp support linux installs?
If you want to totally wipe OS X, then I think you need a version that supports booting via EFI.
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