On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Kemp, Larry <Larry.Kemp@usmetrotel.com> wrote:
I have a CentOS system that is hanging at boot. Sendmail takes forever (and a few other apps hang as well...mainly network apps). This has proven in the pas to be a NIC misconfiguration or a network issue. I think that is what it is on this one too. Is there a way when I see an app haning at boot to make the server stop trying to load the hung app and bring the OS up into the GI so that I get to fixing it? Thanks in advance.

Larry Kemp
Network Engineer
U.S. Metropolitan Telecom, LLC

If your having network apps hang, I would take a look at your /etc/hosts file and make sure it is correct.  I've had an issue in the past with sendmail hanging during boot and an incorrect /etc/hosts file was the cause.  


Mathew S. McCarrell
Clarkson University '10
