Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote on 04/13/2011 05:20 PM:
You should try to search the mailing list first, then ask redundant question. This was answered in last 24-48h.
And today on IRC we find:
15:36 <@z00dax> cap_: we will be all caught up with updates today
Do to the bandwidth constrictions, currently they push SRPMS. They will either push updates in parallel, or they will wait a day or two for SRPM's to finish mirroring to primary mirrors and then push updates.
10:25 < kbsingh> pschaff: the first few rsync's run with --delayed updates, so till its all in place on the first set of mirror machines, you dont / wont see anything at all 10:25 < kbsingh> then, suddenly, its all there
Still not seeing anything new on my favorite nearby mirrors yet, so I guess updates and SRPMS are still trickling out.