Thank you very much, David, for your help.
I found out that when I installed CentOS 4.8 on VMware Fusion, I should not have used the VMware default easy installation. When I unchecked the easy installation, it went through the questions, including setting the root password. So now I can set the root password during the installation.
Thank you again, anyway.
The Centos install first asks for an administrative password and then as a part of the final configuration script, asks you to create a non-priv account. You do have a root acct, and you did declare a password. If you forgot what you might have used then boot into single user mode and change the root pwd.
From: [] On Behalf Of Y. K. Liu
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 1:43 PM
Subject: [CentOS] CentOS 4.8
I installed CentOS 4.8 (not CentOS 5) on VMware Fusion using an ISO file I downloaded. During the installation, it asked me to enter a user name and its password. I tried to enter root for the user name, but it would not let me do that. So I had to enter a non-root user name.
So I did not have the root user name and password when the installation completed. I only had a non-privileged user name, and could not do any sudo work. How can I solve this problem?
I noticed that CentOS 5 (not the 4.8 I needed to install) asking to enter the password for root during the installation. But I need to install CentOS 4.8, not 5.
Thank you.
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