let's think about what a hpc cluster is for. Second, one should always ask the question where security is to be applied,
You have to assess your environment and weigh up the benefits of uptime vs security. Sometimes the security that is fixed in a new kernel is inconsequential in your environment; sometimes the external security on your network is such that the attack vector is tiny. You make a judgement based on your needs.
The physicists and mathematicians who count there need high durations.
Yes. I too run HPC clusters and I have had uptimes of over 1000 days - clusters that are turned on when they are delivered and turned off when they are obsolete. It is crucial for long running calculations that you have a stable OS - you have never seen wrath like a computational scientist whose 200 day calculation has just failed because you needed to reboot the node it was running on.
My decision much on Centos because:
- free
- Maintaining until the year 2024, longer than the cluster will live.
And stability ...