On 11/15/2013 07:30 PM, Wes James wrote:
What type of admin are trying to do on your cluster. First, to get the most power out of your cluster, shouldn't you be running nodes in run level 3 (non gui).
You can set up ssh keys so you can create some scripts and perform your commands (from your admin machine) on each of your cluster nodes. (i.e., running a command over ssh without a password being needed).
You may also be interested in esysman that allows for doing many admin tasks from a web interface on your admin box:
Just this last week I updated it to work with CentOS (orLSB/RPM based systems). It currently supports MS Windows, OS X, Xubuntu (and probably other LSB/ubuntu/debian base systems) and now CentOS.
There's no GUI installed, and I'm quite familiar with SSH, and most daily administration is heavily scripted/automated.
The capabilities I'm looking for include the ability to force restart the server remotely, even when the O/S Is locked up (EG: kernel panic) and access the BIOS remotely, do an O/S install remotely, etc. which can be done with IPMI. From what I've read, Intel's vPro allows for all of these possibilities, although it does seem to be heavily Windows oriented.