Dear All,
Firstly, many thanks for the hard work put in by the development team :)
Now I have a couple of problems, any help welcome:
1) Some of our software needs linuxthreads (i.e. InsightII) but it's closed source and the writers (Accelrys) are unlikely to respin the code as they want us to move to a different program.
Is there any way of installing another set of glibc libs on centos 5, to allow an old, broken, but uselful program to run?
2) As part of my setup script for centos 4, I add a large list of printers to each workstation by using system-config-printer-tui --Ximport < settings.xml (on my master machine I create the list with system-config-printer-tui --Xexport > settings.xml )
Is there any easy way of automatically adding 15 printers to Centos 5 ?
My thanks for your time,