I want to thank everyone for contributing
to solving the implementation problem I was having. It seems in the end
it was an “operator” problem. To summarize the results:
- regarding sshd port change – uncomment
port, and change the port number entry in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Restart the
sshd service. Update /etc/sysconfig/iptables to reflect the port number
change from 22 to the port number specified in / etc/ssh/sshd_config, then
restart iptables service.
- PasswordAuthentication no – this requires an
additional option to be change, “ChallengeResponseAuthentication no”.
Having made both of these changes, causes the login to abort is a valid ssh key
is not specified.
Again many thanks to everyone.
From: Karl Kobata
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009
11:02 AM
To: 'centos@centos.org'
Subject: sshd options - centos 5.3
I have installed cento 5.3. I enabled the ssh
deamon. I have found that 2 options that I normally use does respond as I
expect. Has anyone else had similar problems with the following options
in sshd_config:
- Port 6666 – if I set the port to anything other than
22 (default), using ssh –p6666 name@servername, does not work. Yet
if I leave keep the default, then ssh name@servername allows me to login.
- PasswordAuthentication no – if I set this option to
“no” (default is “yes”), and my ssh key is either
missing or in error, I will be prompted for user system login password.
If this is set to “no”, it should not allow me to login if I have
not ssh key specified or in error. Has anyone else run into this problem.
Is there a workaround? What are my options?
Please help.