Tru Huynh <> scribbled on Friday, October 03, 2008 11:48 AM:
does your bios see 4GB? try also memtest to make sure the 4GB are there. cat /proc/meminfo and the boot lines of /var/log/messages
Yupp, pressing F2 at boot and checking in bios says it's 4GB DDR2 ECC IIRC.
Is memtest available at an almost full install?
press F2 at the cdrom prompt will show you the memtest option ;) boot: memtest86
Oh... Locate memtest86 listed in /boot... Guess if I feel stupid now. <rolling eyes>
what does the rescue mode says? cd1 of 5.2 i386/x86_64 ?
Did a netinstall, so don't have cd1. Am downloading those now though. Might take a while... 8-) Be back with results soonish.
you can boot into rescue mode from netboot.
-> append "rescue method=...."
Ah, simple... My defense is that this is the the first time I'm using netinstall. Sorry for any n00b-statements from my side. 8-}