Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 13:09, nate wrote:
At least it's easy to roll back to an earlier kernel!
Yeah, if you can afford to live with unpatched security issues... But then, what is really the point of using an enterprise linux distro?
For me mostly stability. I have roughly 75 older systems that are still running RHEL 4.0 Update 1(used to be over 400, slowly widdling that number down).
In my case at least we can afford to live with unpatched security issues for a time, as the environment around the systems protects them for the most part. Also quite a few windows 2000 boxes still around many of which haven't had updates in eons.
It was just last month that we got rid of what I think was the last RHEL 3.0 Update 3 systems that we had, looks like they probably weren't updated since they got installed in 2004...oh wait now that I look there is 1 more..
For us, an up-to-date CentOS 5.2(last updated shortly before 5.3 was released) is bleeding edge!