On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 02:05:46PM +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Kari Salovaara wrote:
But I've lost some understanding how these kernel versions flow ! I'm also a little confused of some related answers from some forums and lists. Questions :
- is the kernel version used in CentOS the same as in kernel.org ?
Yes, the CentOS 2.6.9 *base* kernel (which is the kernel 4.0 shipped with) is pretty close to the 2.6.9 kernel from kernel.org plus some patches (I don't know how many there were, though).
kernel 2.6.9-34.EL still is based on kernel.org's 2.6.9 kernel, but has at least 700 patches in it (that is added up for all architectures, so your i386 kernel doesn't really have 700 patches applied to it). But the kernel-API is still the same as in 2.6.9 (later 2.6.x kernels have a different one).
And there you are wrong.
I give you the exemple of slmodemd, where you have to change it so it detects the CentOS kernel as if it were 2.6.10+. Otherwise, it won't even compile, due to difference on the headers.
The other question (very much relates to the later part of previous question and the need to do kernel compilation at all) :
- if I want to compile new kernel using kernel source from kernel.org,
what is the best way regarding to maintain the workability level of exisisting kenel (see top)?
You leave the path of binary compatibility to RHEL4.
You might also have serious problems related extended functionality, that depends on patches applied to the RHEL4 kernel.
In other words: don't do it.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)