On Monday 08 August 2005 06:58, Johnny Hughes wrote:
But, there are so many dependency changes and so many replacement files, including many things that are not KDE, that I would not recommend upgrading to either KDE 3.4 (or Gnome 2.10 for that matter) to a normal user. This is especially true if you want the stability of an enterprise OS.
I use the kde-redhat repo for EL4 on my CentOS machines. See kde-redhat.sourceforge.net for more information. I then add the kde-redhat repo to both yum and apt sections (apt so that I can get synaptic for nice gui installs), and it just works. Yes, there are a lot of things changed in the upgrade, but in my case I really have no alternative, since I need the KDE 3.4 kstars for here. Much of the core system is not touched by the upgrade; core meaning glibc and kernel, and associated non-GUI things. As I don't use GNOME at all, the stuff changed there for KDE 3.4 to work doesn't bother me.
The KDE 3.4 repo is an alternative repo, for sure, and replaces things, for sure, and, if I were running real RHEL4 might cause support issues, sure, but when I basically have an unsupported OS anyway with CentOS I can deal with the little bit of extra things I may need to deal with by using third-party repos like KDE-Redhat.